Thursday, November 28, 2019

Transactional Analysis free essay sample

Transactional Analysis Dr. Eric Berne, the originator of Transactional Analysis, has explained transaction is a unit of social intercourse. According to him, if two or more people encounter each other†¦sooner or later one of them will speak, or give some other indication of acknowledging the presence of the others. This is called transactional stimulus. Another person will then say or do something which is in some way related to stimulus, and that is called transactional response. What is transactional Analysis? Transactional Analysis is the method of examining this one transaction wherein â€Å"I do something to you and you do something back† and determining which part of the multiple-natured individual is being activated. It is an intellectual tool to understand the basis of behaviour and feelings. Three Ego States (Parent, Adult, and Child) According to Dr. Eric Berne, the ego states are very different from Id, Ego, and Superego. The latter are concepts, whereas the ego states are psychological realities. We will write a custom essay sample on Transactional Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The state is produced by the playback of recorded data of events in the past, involving real people, real time, real places, real decisions, and real feelings. The Parent (Taught Concept of Life) [pic] The mother and father become internalized in the Parent, as recordings of what the child observed them say and do. The Parent Ego is the recordings of imposed, unquestioned, external events perceived by a person between birth and age five in taught concept of life. In the Parent are recorded all the admonitions and rules and laws that the child heard from his parents and saw their living. Likewise are recorded the coos of pleasure of a happy mother and the looks of delight of a proud father. The significant point is that whether these rules are good or bad in the light of a reasonable ethic, they are recorded as truth from the source of all security. There are Two types of Parent- Nurturing Parent, and Controlling Parent The Nurturing Parent is caring and concerned and often may appear as a mother-figure (though men can play it too). They seek to keep the Child safe and offer unconditional love, calming them when they are troubled. The Controlling (or Critical) Parent, on the other hand, tries to make the Child do as the parent wants them to do, perhaps transferring values or beliefs or helping the Child to understand and live in society. They may also have negative intent, using the Child as a whipping-boy or worse. The Child (Felt Concepts of Life) [pic] In the Chilg Ego there are recordings of internal events (feelings) in response to external events ( mostly mother and father) between birth and age five While external events are being recorded as that body of data we call the Parent, there is another recording being made simultaneously. This is the recording of internal events, the responses of the little person to what he sees and gears. This ‘seeing and hearing and feeling and understandings’ of body of data is called Child Ego. Since the little person has no vocabulary during the most critical of his early experiences, most of his reactions are feelings. There are three types of Child we can play: Natural Child, Little Professor, Adaptive Child. The Natural Child is largely un-self-aware and is characterized by the non-speech noises they make (yahoo, etc. ). They like playing and are open and vulnerable. The cutely-named Little Professor is the curious and exploring Child who is always trying out new stuff (often much to their Controlling Parents annoyance). Together with the Natural Child they make up the Free Child. The Adaptive Child reacts to the world around them, either changing themselves to fit in or rebelling against the forces they feel. The Adult (Thought Concepts of Life)[pic] The Adult is a data-processing computer, which grinds out decisions after computing the information from three sources: the Parent, the Child, and the data which the Adult has gathered and is gathering. Types of Transactions Complementary Transactions: A complementary transaction occurs when a message, sent from a specific ES, gets the predicted response from a specific ES in the other person. For example, if a wife who is grieving her lost friend is comforted by a sympathetic husband, her momentary dependency is answered appropriately. [pic] Crossed Transactions: When two people stand glaring at each other, turn their backs on each other, are unwilling to continue transacting, or are puzzled by what has just occurred between them, its likely that they have just experienced a crossed transaction. A crossed transaction occurs when an unexpected response is made to the stimulus. An inappropriate ego state is activated, and the lines of communication between people are crossed. At this point people tend to withdraw turn away from each other or switch the conversation in another direction. If a husband responds from his Child unsympathetically to his grieving wife Well, how do you think I feel? he is likely to cause her to turn away from him. Crossed transactions are a frequent source of pain between people parents and children, husband and wife, boss and employee, teacher and student, and so forth. The person who initiates the transaction, expecting a certain response, doesnt get it The individual is crossed up and often feels discounted and misunderstood. [pic] Ulterior Transactions: Ulterior transactions are the most complex They differ from complementary and crossed transactions in that they always involve two or more ego states. Only one ES controls the body but another ES is operating in the background and can sometimes be seen in what NLP calls a state of Simultaneous Incongruence One ES may control the verbal and the other may be seen or heard in the non-verbals. When an ulterior message is sent, its disguised under a socially acceptable transaction Its as if the activated ES poses as another ES to disguise the transaction in some way. If a car salesman says with a leer to his customer, This is our finest sports car but maybe too racy for you, he is sending a message that can be heard by either the customer’s adult or child ego state. If the customer’s Adult hears, the response may be yes, you’re right, considering the requirements of my job. If the customer’s Child hears, the response may be I’ll take it. It’s just what I want. In either case, its manipulation crafted by more than one ego state of the salesman to get a preferred response from the customer in this case it was the Adult who may have been consulted by an ego state called the Little Professor.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Mans Careless Attitude Essay Example

Mans Careless Attitude Essay Example Mans Careless Attitude Paper Mans Careless Attitude Paper Mans careless attitude is the main cause for the destruction of the environment. Discuss. You should write at least 350 words. (60 marks) In this modern civilization, man struggles to survive the high cost of living expenses, which significantly increases with each passing year. This causes them to use any method available that generates income and they start to sideline the importance of preserving nature. This is due to mankind realizing the potential of economy that can come from nature. So, strongly believe the destruction of nature is mostly caused by mans careless attitude whereby hey priorities their greed for money and the development Of civilization. Let us analyses this phenomenon in terms of the countrys development, illegal activities of exploiting nature and the job opportunities. First of all, many nations try to achieve the title of the most leading nation in economy or infrastructure. So in order to compete with other countries, most nations try to explore any available land in their country for development such as industries, tourist spots and many other purposes that are related to money. Whenever they see the potential of a certain piece of land, they tend o develop it despite some of these places might still be uninhabited or the home for many wildlife. Sometimes, they would also plod through jungles or level the mountains for road development which severely changes the landscape of nature. As a result, this selfish and careless act will cause the deforestation and global warming. For example, Indonesia has become quite careless with their handling of these problems. In Claimant, Indonesia, the forest is being severely deforested by their people for land development. And to make matters worse, they even choose the fastest and coos-saving method f deforestation which is by burning down the trees, the mass release of carbon dioxide from the mass burn down of trees lead to ozone thinning and greenhouse effect. Also, the haze problem is another negative side product. As for the real victims of these acts, they are the neighboring nations such as Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Philippines especially as haze causes many health issues such as lung cancer and breathing problems. Therefore, these careless acts and greed not only cause the destruction of nature but also endanger many lives, both man and animals. Secondly, some peoples greed for great fortune and easy life make them become selfish and careless by over-exploiting nature. They willingly do illegal activities such as cutting down trees or animal hunting, seeing the high demand for these materials. It will slowly cause the depopulation of different kinds of flora and fauna. In China, these activities of eating inner organs of animals such as tiger or bear and they even use these animals body parts for economic purposes such as tiger skin, crocodile skin and elephant teeth and asks by exporting it to those who pay a high price for it. This has a serious effect on the ecosystem which is the extinction of animals. In Indonesia, trees are being cut down for making expensive house furniture made of material such as teak wood. In fact, these trees require a long period of 10 to 20 years to mature. Thus, the continuous cutting down of trees will eventually lead to its extinction. These activities are illegal by law and still occurs widely despite many countermeasures that have been taken by the authorized organizations such as World Wildlife Fund (WFM). Somehow, these criminals are able to slip through the organizations enforcement laws of protecting the wildlife and nature. Plus, most society are careless to even take notice of these problems because they have yet to come to awareness of the dangers that would happen from these illegal acts. If only they had given more attention and cooperation to the authorized organizations, these problems might have been able to be prevented. Lastly, to survive in this modern world, every person needs to be able to make a living for themselves of their family, but many people with low education level cannot get high salary jobs, even university scholars are yet to be certain of getting a proper job after their graduation despite their high level of education. The competition is just like the survival of the fittest among these graduates and people with low qualifications. Therefore with the growing demand for more natural materials such as petroleum gas and minerals from the earth as well as a high demand of smuggled goods, people are willing to pay high prices to have employees do their job of exploiting tauter because these jobs are high risk. So people that are desperately in need of jobs are usually tempted with the pay and they would take up the call. This situation had opened up a lot of job opportunities, but they are careless to not realism that these jobs are the main cause of natures destruction because they are being pinned down by the pressure of high living cost in this modern world that they have forgotten the importance of preserving nature. In a nutshell, still strongly believe in my opinion that natures destruction is mainly caused by mans careless attitude. They strive to make a living in the world so desperately that some eventually deny the truth that it is their own fault for natures destruction. If no serious and proper actions are being taken immediately by many wildlife and nature preserving organizations or authorized organizations such as WFM, UNESCO and SEAN to prepare an effective strategy or blueprint to prevent this problem, there probably wont be any jungles or wildlife left in the future and our young generator will have to live in a polluted world.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Anything having to do with economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Anything having to do with economics - Essay Example 4): Human resources: labor. The labor force is limited both in number and in skills. Manufactured resources or capital. Capital consists of all those inputs that have themselves been produced in the first place. The world has a limited stock of capital: a limited supply of factories, machines, transportation and other equipment. The productivity of capital is limited by the state of technology. Hence, scarcity arises due to comparative unlimited human wants in the limited set of available resources to satisfy these wants. In other words, in free market economy scarcity occurs either because of increase in demand or decrease in supply. Also known as pure capitalist system; where individuals are free to make their demand decisions. The decisions of consumers and firms pertaining to the demand and supply of goods are transmitted to each one of them via the effect of these decisions on prices. This in turn, sets the equilibrium price level in the economy. Hence, prices are set via free interaction of demand and supply of goods and services, in a market where consumers are free to make their own choices according to their own income levels, firms are free to supply what they decide according to their own investment. government interference to run the economic system exists with the help of businesses. United States, however, is a good example of free market system where government intervention is minimal and mostly prices are determined through market forces of demand and supply. â€Å"an economy where supply and price are regulated by the government rather than market forces. Government planners decide which goods and services are produced and how they are distributed. The former Soviet Union was an example of a command economy†. Command economies are usually recognizable in places where the presence of socialist or communist systems of